Lloyd’s box status
BOX 64 Marine Liability Energy Cargo Political Violence / Terror
BOX 137 Crisis Management Cyber
BOX 221 Treaty Property


The power sector is responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity to meet the demands of homes, businesses, and industries worldwide. It encompasses a diverse range of energy sources, technologies, and infrastructure, driving economic development, innovation, and sustainability efforts globally.

Why IQUW works for Power

The global power industry faces ever-increasing challenges: from the need to find new energy sources to the drive for sustainability. Our specialist energy team has the experience to understand and underwrite every risk, and the commitment to respond to every claim.


We use data to empower our people and decisions


We streamline processes to keep everything running smoothly


Every underwriting department has specialist experience

Power Products

We offer a range of products to support a variety of insurance needs across the power sector.

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Cyber risks come in many forms - from malicious intent to employee error - and can impact every size of business from SMEs to multinationals. Whatever the size or nature of your business, we are here to help you assess the risks posed by cyber threats and arrange appropriate cover.

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Cyber Extortion
Business interruption
Data and system recovery
Incident response
Regulatory costs
Technological Errors and Omissions

Directors & Officers

Corporate officers face growing risks. Our cover is designed to offer them the personal protection they deserve.

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Damages, judgements 
and settlements
Extradition Proceedings
Legal fees and expenses
Security Holder Demand Investigatory Costs
Derivative Suits
Securities Claims
Regulatory investigations


Exploration and production businesses face many risks. We’re here to cover everything from physical losses to loss of income.

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Physical damage to upstream and midstream assets
Control of well and related costs including redrill and associated expenses
Construction of upstream assets
Loss of production income and business interruption
Energy transition projects
Associated third party liabilities

Political Violence & Terrorism

We stand out by covering everything from active shooter and terrorist attacks to nuclear, biological and chemical events.

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Terrorism and terrorism liability
Strikes riots and civil commotion
Malicious damage
War and Civil War
Mutiny and coup d'etat
Revolution and rebellion
Active shooter
Nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological weapons
Denial of access
Loss of attraction


From property treaty to specialty


Multi-line made singularly simple

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